Homemade McDonald’s Griddle


McDonalds has great griddles that you will love, and it’s something that a lot of people do love.

Wouldn’t it be great to save some money though? In this, you’ll learn a recipe that you will love, and it captures the signature taste of these griddles.


1/2 cup maple syrup

1 batch of pancake batter

4 eggs

4 strips bacon, cooked and cut in half (or 4 cooked pork sausage patties)

4 slices American cheese


Line a sheet to bake with some parchment paper before you begin with the line of maple sugar

Put the sugar into a pot on heat that’s medium temperature. Boil it, stir it, and once it boils a bit more, make sure it’s stirring so it doesn’t stick with the pot.

Check the pot’s temperature with a thermometer. Once it’s 230 degrees, it’ll calm down and not look less like lava. It also is something that gets a little darker too

After a few minutes, it’ll become almost like caramel. Take it off the heat and make sure it sits at 265 degrees on your thermometer.

Put the syrup onto the baking sheet that’s lined and make sure it’s spread in a thin manner. Do not touch it since it’s basically molten lead at this point. You then want to put it in the freezer or your fridge, or just leave it on the counter. You can peel this once it’s fully cooled down, or smash it to breaks it up into chunks

Once that’s done, work on the pancakes in any way you want to.

If you like to use mounds that is rounded, put the insides of these with a cooking spray or a butter. Heat up a griddle, put some butter there, and then put the pancake rounded molds onto there.

Take the tablespoons of batter into the molds and then have some crystals topping this, usually a couple of tablespoons. Basically put the crystals between each of your pancakes, and make sure that the syrup doesn’t get onto the griddle

Cook the pancakes and syrup until the edges bubble and the pancakes are properly cooked. Take the pancakes off with the tongs, flip these over, and then cook this for another minute or so until they’re finished.

When they’re off, take some cheese, or put a fried egg over the top of it. You can also add a sausage, some bacon, or a second pancake to the top of this

Eat this immediately or let it sit to cool before eating it!


Can these be frozen or put in the fridge?

you can! This one is something that can be put in the freezer if you want to freeze them for a bit.  You also put them in the fridge for a bit.

Usually, they can be put in the freezer for a few months until you want to have them. you just have to warm them up, usually in the microwave if you want to have them. they work well in a lot of areas, and you can have them as a simple snack, or breakfast.

Don't forget to save this recipe for later And Share it with your family 🙂

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